No phone service on your home/office? get a Micro-cell

I have been having coverage problems on the home, barely I could get more than one bar with AT&T, T-Mobile even worse and surprisingly, Sprint was decent, although my current contract is with AT&T. Manufactured by Cisco, the MicroCell creates a tiny 3G/4G data and voice bubble in your home. It sets up in a snap: Plug it in to your existing broadband network by Ethernet, log in to your AT&T wireless account, and follow the web instructions to activate the device. You can authorize up to 10 AT&T phone numbers to work with the product. As long as you have a broadband connection of 30 Mbps or more, the micro-cell should work just fine, of course the broadband connection may be provided by another company like TWC. Set up is super easy, it should take you about 30 minutes After all the steps were done, my phone coverage improved to 5 bards right away. Is it worth it paying the $130 plus tax? In my opinion, yes, especially if you spend ma...